QF-586 Обувной механизм Подошвоформовочный пресс |
QF-586 Обувной механизм Подошвоформовочный пресс It is widely used in sport shoes Leisure shoes or smooth large sole and in any other type shoes. It has the function of adjusting shoes’height The operation mode is according to the safe standard to avoid any damage The operation mode is; put the large sole up to the pre-setting position and preset the Auto/Manual function Automation function: put the shoe on the right position, the cover will close automatically when the hand leaving work area And the air will be in at the same time The machine will work automatically according to the pre-setting time. Manual function:put the shoe on the right position, press the work buttons after hands leaves the work area Then the machine will be on.
предыдущий:QF-606 Обувная машина | Следующий:Подошвоформовочный пре… |